2005 Teck Guan Holdings. All right reserved
We are the sole distributor of Teck Guan Fertilizer and CCM Fertilizers. Teck Guan's well-known A1 brand mixtures and Cock's Head brand compounds are very popular among planters and are applied to crops at regular intervals to achieve maximum yield and premier quality.  We offer a wide range of agro-chemical products and services to the  agricultural industry.

Our products are widely used for all crop types, including perennial and annual crops.  Our customers range from smallholders to large plantations.  Both our local and regional customers have attained substantial yield increases through our technical advisory services and use of special of application formulae.

Our direct involvement as planters in the agribusiness since the 1950s has also helped immensely as specialists suppliers of fertilizers, agro-chemical products and services to the agribusiness.